Wayback machine online downloader with CMS.

Restore a fully functional copy of your site!

Just the domain name, without www. This is a required field.
Attention! You have set the FROM and TO times in the wrong direction!
Better in a short format. For example, 201905 (means end of May 2019). If not filled in, we get the latest available content.
Attention! You set the time period too narrow. We recommend leaving this field empty.
The same format as with "To timestamp". If not set in very rare cases you can get some extra content from the ancient versions. We recommend to leave this empty.
It is important to use a working e-mail.
You can change/remove embedded options manually by editing rules in .htaccess file or changing variables values in a php-script that shows the website content.

Restore prices

Website has

up to 200 files

  • Sites that contain up to 200 files cost only $0.25.
Website has

201-1200 files

  • Most of the websites that restore our users contain up to 1000 files and cost less than $4.
Website has

more than 1200 files

  • If the site you need contains more than 1200 files, then each additional thousand files will cost only one dollar.

Website downloader and Content Management System (CMS) existing site converter.

Download a fully functional copy of the site!
Ability to download .onion sites!

Just the domain name, without www. This is a required field.
1 / 0$
If you are logged in then you can set the maximum value based on your account balance. The amount will be temporary blocked during download process. If final files count is lower then the price difference is returned to your balance. Recharge your Balance.
Value from 1 to 10. 6 is recommended.
If the domain is not configured on the hosting, but you know for sure that the data is still available at the old IP address. It is usually used when the domain is already deleted, but the old hosting is still working.
It is important to use a working e-mail.

Download prices

Website has

up to 200 files

  • Sites that contain up to 200 files cost only $0.25.
Website has

201-1200 files

  • Most of the sites downloaded by our users contain up to 1000 files and cost less than $4.
Website has

more than 1200 files

  • If the site you need contains more than 1200 files, then each additional thousand files will cost only one dollar.

Latest Blog Articles:

7 Years of Archivarix

Today is a special day — Archivarix is celebrating its 7th anniversary! We want to thank you for your trust, ideas, and feedback, which have helped us become the best service for restoring websites from the Wayback Machine.
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To everyone who has been waiting for top-up discounts!

Dear Archivarix users, Congratulations on the upcoming holidays and thank you for choosing our service to archive and restore your websites!
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6 Years of Archivarix

It's that special time when we take a moment to reflect not just on our achievements, but also on the incredible journey we've shared with you. This year, Archivarix celebrates its 6th anniversary, and foremost, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to you, our dedicated users.
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Price Changes

On Feb 1st 2023 our prices will change. Activate the promo-code and get a huge bonus in advance.
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Black Friday

Discounts from Archivarix on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
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